Saturday, November 13, 2010


It has been quite some time since I last wrote, and there have been many adventures I have encountered. Lets start with my fun filled four days with my best friend Anne.
So, I turned 21 on October 28th and let me just say the party started Wednesday and carried on through the wee hours of Sunday the 31st! We had a great time in Mullingar, Galway, and Dublin. I was so proud that we made it from coast to coast (even though its not very hard to do) J We laughed, cried, and most importantly acted like sisters through out the entire trip! Anne made my birthday an excellent treat. It was weird though being here where I could already drink, and not in America (it was brilliant none the less).
After my birthday adventures I didn’t think anything could top it, but lucky for me I was wrong. On November 2nd in my email there was a message waiting for me saying that Josh Groban would be in London on the 24th of November and that at midnight I could purchase tickets. I was thrilled. I knew this was a once in a life time opportunity and all I have wanted to do is take chances like this! So at midnight I bought myself a ticket and a plane ticket and I was ready to see my favorite singer in a few weeks! It is mad how things happen in life. I am on cloud nine right now and can’t wait to seek out other opportunities along the way.
I’ll be seeing you..........

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just a few photo's

A hotel a couple minuets from the house.

The kids and I by a lake 

I am looking forward to this week!
I'll be seeing you..........

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just an update and a Revelation!

“It’s a brand new day, the sun is shinning, it’s a brand new day, for the first time in such a long long time I know I’ll be okay!” (Radin)
After such a long, long, long time I have finally realized how lucky I am to have the people who are in my life. The new, the old, and the one’s who have gotten me through the past couple of years. I felt like a tornado and couldn’t really figure out who I was as a person. I was defined as something that I didn’t want to become. I am a twenty year old woman and I am finally on the path of self discovery. I never realized how much I have in my life until now.  I was walking around town today and noticed a pattern with the people I saw, they all were taking their time and seemed to be enjoying what they were doing and who they were with. I hope that in years to come I can just sit down and do exactly that! I had always felt that I needed to be busy and that I had to stick with the norm of American society, but traveling as made me realize that I need to step back and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer, is that so hard? Yes, it is for me I was always in such a hurry to grow up that I let myself drown in my own obsessions. I have started to revive my life and I am so glad that I have you to be apart of it!
Now, moving on to Ireland. I have been here for almost three weeks and I am finally getting over the fact that things will be different and I have been embracing this. The children have tried to get away with a few things, and they do because of their cute faces (haha)! I walk every day through the town and it has been very inspiring and good for my physical and mental health. I have been bugging Jackie to come with and one day she will J I have my Josh Groban and Joshua Radin to keep me company J I have lots of exciting events going on next week, it is my birthday and halloween. And they go crazy for both here: birthdays and halloween.  ANNE LISCHWE is coming to celebrate I am very EXCITED! We are going to Galway for my 21st, coming back to Mullingar, and than to Dublin on Saturday for some halloween fun! I will have more pictures next week for sure and the kids are half on fall break, so we will be traveling as well. Well more later……..
I’ll be seeing you…….

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just a few pictures of Mullingar and life in my shoes

This is what I see everyday, pretty amazing!

Eric and me!

Karl in a tree!

We went to one of the McLoughlin's friends who have hunting dogs: adorable, but smelly :-(

Just a few things that have happened already this week! Exciting, but keeps me very busy. Off to Dublin today to explore there; wish me luck!
I'll be seeing you.......

Monday, October 11, 2010

The first week!

My pink bedroom

Lauren and Eric get locked up in my closet most of the time (thats my style haha)

I have been here for a WEEK already; I can’t believe it!  I really haven’t changed my opinion about Ireland, yet! J  Almost all of the stereotypes are true by the way. 1) They eat a boatload of potatoes in any form. 2) There are many pubs and yes there is always someone in them. 3) They are all Catholic (haha).
The first week went by very quickly, However, I have learned more this past week than I have in a very long time. I really hadn’t figured out much about myself and was always searching for who I wanted to become, I think I am finally on that path!
It is funny how everything works itself out for the better. I am still getting over the initial shock of being here though. If you ever travel to Ireland though here is my first tip: always be open to new ideas because you will have way more fun that way. I have smiled more in this past week, than in the past couple of years. Laughing has definitely been my saving grace.
The reason though that I was able to do this was because of my fantastic parents and family. I am a firm believer in that it is not a coincidence of who you are and where you go, that God has chosen that for you.  I know why he gave me my family, and because of them I was able to be here. SO, mom and dad THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for giving me the chance to grow, even if that means going clear across the country.  I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH! I am not sure if I will be back though, I am kind of falling in Love with this place.
Lastly, I have a 21st birthday coming up in a couple weeks and I am so excited that I will be spending it with one of my best friends Anne! We are starting in Dublin, making our way to Mullingar, heading to Galway for my actually Birthday, than to Mullingar for more birthday celebrations and back to Dublin to celebrate Halloween!!!  I can’t wait!!!!
I’ll be seeing you………

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Last picture in America!

Welcome to Mullingar! 

I wanted to keep everyone updated on my new life so here it goes.............

For those of you who haven't heard I have left the country and am an Au pair for a terrific family: The McLouglins! 
This blog is about the adventures I will have while living abroad this coming year. I will write about the people I meet, the places I go, and of course the piles of adventures I come across. I have an open mind and an open heart and I am ready to make this the experience of my life! I am excited to share with you all of the life lessons I will be gaining from this experience and the new lingo I will be learning as well. Pictures and videos will be added too! I am living in a house with six others, but if you know me thats an average household for me. Shane, Karl, Eric, and Lauren have become my new brothers and sister and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch. I have only been here for a couple days and I already feel like I am apart of this family, it is absolutely wonderful! The parents Dan and Jackie are musicians. I will be taking a video of the city soon so I can show of my new place.  I am thrilled about this opportunity and I am so excited to share it with all of you!