Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just an update and a Revelation!

“It’s a brand new day, the sun is shinning, it’s a brand new day, for the first time in such a long long time I know I’ll be okay!” (Radin)
After such a long, long, long time I have finally realized how lucky I am to have the people who are in my life. The new, the old, and the one’s who have gotten me through the past couple of years. I felt like a tornado and couldn’t really figure out who I was as a person. I was defined as something that I didn’t want to become. I am a twenty year old woman and I am finally on the path of self discovery. I never realized how much I have in my life until now.  I was walking around town today and noticed a pattern with the people I saw, they all were taking their time and seemed to be enjoying what they were doing and who they were with. I hope that in years to come I can just sit down and do exactly that! I had always felt that I needed to be busy and that I had to stick with the norm of American society, but traveling as made me realize that I need to step back and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer, is that so hard? Yes, it is for me I was always in such a hurry to grow up that I let myself drown in my own obsessions. I have started to revive my life and I am so glad that I have you to be apart of it!
Now, moving on to Ireland. I have been here for almost three weeks and I am finally getting over the fact that things will be different and I have been embracing this. The children have tried to get away with a few things, and they do because of their cute faces (haha)! I walk every day through the town and it has been very inspiring and good for my physical and mental health. I have been bugging Jackie to come with and one day she will J I have my Josh Groban and Joshua Radin to keep me company J I have lots of exciting events going on next week, it is my birthday and halloween. And they go crazy for both here: birthdays and halloween.  ANNE LISCHWE is coming to celebrate I am very EXCITED! We are going to Galway for my 21st, coming back to Mullingar, and than to Dublin on Saturday for some halloween fun! I will have more pictures next week for sure and the kids are half on fall break, so we will be traveling as well. Well more later……..
I’ll be seeing you…….

1 comment:

  1. V! I am so excited for you! Everything you are experiencing sounds so amazing and no one deserves it more than you! I am SUPER jealous of the fact that you are in Ireland- which means that I will just HAVE to come and visit! lol I hope you have a great birthday and Halloween!Tell Anne I say HI! Miss you here but I am so happy that you are off experiencing the world!

    Meghann <3

    P.S. Brand New Day is the song that I wake up to everyday! :) Such a great song! Love you and Miss you Roomie! :) xxoo
