Monday, October 11, 2010

The first week!

My pink bedroom

Lauren and Eric get locked up in my closet most of the time (thats my style haha)

I have been here for a WEEK already; I can’t believe it!  I really haven’t changed my opinion about Ireland, yet! J  Almost all of the stereotypes are true by the way. 1) They eat a boatload of potatoes in any form. 2) There are many pubs and yes there is always someone in them. 3) They are all Catholic (haha).
The first week went by very quickly, However, I have learned more this past week than I have in a very long time. I really hadn’t figured out much about myself and was always searching for who I wanted to become, I think I am finally on that path!
It is funny how everything works itself out for the better. I am still getting over the initial shock of being here though. If you ever travel to Ireland though here is my first tip: always be open to new ideas because you will have way more fun that way. I have smiled more in this past week, than in the past couple of years. Laughing has definitely been my saving grace.
The reason though that I was able to do this was because of my fantastic parents and family. I am a firm believer in that it is not a coincidence of who you are and where you go, that God has chosen that for you.  I know why he gave me my family, and because of them I was able to be here. SO, mom and dad THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for giving me the chance to grow, even if that means going clear across the country.  I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH! I am not sure if I will be back though, I am kind of falling in Love with this place.
Lastly, I have a 21st birthday coming up in a couple weeks and I am so excited that I will be spending it with one of my best friends Anne! We are starting in Dublin, making our way to Mullingar, heading to Galway for my actually Birthday, than to Mullingar for more birthday celebrations and back to Dublin to celebrate Halloween!!!  I can’t wait!!!!
I’ll be seeing you………


  1. All the way across the country? Or all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to a new country? Just making sure you're actually in Ireland. LOL

  2. I guess I am across the world, aren't I? It sometimes feels so much closer or maybe because I am actually in Vegas!!!!
